22 de fevereiro de 2013


Apesar de ter selecionado meus tops de academia para venda após a mamoplastia, resolvi experimentá-los enquanto me arrumava para ter certeza que não cabiam mais.

Pois cabem, e resolvi ficar com eles.

Há uma pequena diferença, no entanto. As peças ganharam um caimento... ligeiramente diferente.

A pergunta que fica para a enquete é a seguinte...

Será que eu vou ouvir besteira na rua andando para a academia com isso?

1) Sim.

2) Com certeza.

3) Corra, Lola, Corra.

 Vou fazendo um treinamento psicológico aqui para me preparar para o treino amanhã. Meditação. Tai chi chuan. Sei lá.

11 comentários :

  1. Grande Anomas Kamath, quanto tempo!
    Um abraço do Perry Luvik e parabéns pelo blog e todo o resto.

    1. Vix rapaz, tu apareceste do fundo do baú agora hein.

      Abração, Perry, e obrigada :D

  2. amiga.. esta linda... vai é ouvir elogios.. bjos

  3. Obs.: "3) Corra, Lola, Corra." é uma opção de que ficou muito bom também (tal qual as duas primeiras opções).

  4. May, com ctz vc vai ouvir otimos elogios, vc esta linda!
    Me diga uma coisa, sabe aquele post anterior que vc criou sobre mulheres que fazem academia e ficam musculosas ou bombadas, vc quer ficar igual?

  5. Se vocês acham que o que os homens falam para as mulheres na rua são "elogios", peço solenemente que se interessem pelo feminismo e suas lutas principais.

    Allan, sim, o objetivo é esse.

  6. Hi Mayra, I found your blog through Susans and have been reading it via the wonders of Google Translate (apologies for writing in English). Thanks for writing about your experiences, it's great to know there are others struggling with the same thing. I have to say, your stomach is amazing. I would love to have abs like that. Do you mind if I ask what your routine is?


    1. Don't worry about the language. Truth be otld, I always preferred to communicate in english.

      Actually, to improve your abs, it's much more important to control your diet than your exercises. Cutting sugar and red meat helps a lot, replacing half of what you eat by vegetables and fruits is another important step, and adding a lot of chiken, fish, egg and milk helps on the protein intake. The exercises are basic, I do one series of three sections of ten to fifteen repetitions in whatever ab-machine there is on the gym. Once every two days.

      Kisses =)

  7. Thanks Mayra, I appreciate your advice. Diet isn't really a problem for me, I've been vegetarian for years and avoid most processed foods and artificial sugars. I know I need to do better at making sure I get enough protein, at this point I eat fish once a week or so and beans and eggs several times a week, but I'm working on that. I've also found that having stopped drinking beer has made a drastic improvement in the past couple of months. Other than I guess I just need to keep going to the gym and be patient.

    I love your blog, it's really great to follow along with someone who is so open about their transition. It really helps with a lot of the doubts and questions I have.


    1. Feel free to ask them.

      One thing I got to comment, tough. If you're the gym, you must have protein on all meals. That doesn't necessarily means meat, as soya has it a-plenty, for example. But a regular intake of nutrients every three hours, protein being a part of them, that is essencial.
